Animal, Itinéraire Saint Germain
28 May - 10 July
75006 Paris
Galerie Jacques Barrère
Galerie Chenel
Galerie Xavier Eeckhout
Galerie Jacques Lacoste
Galerie Lucas Ratton
are delighted to present « Animal, itinéraire Rive Gauche ».
The event will bring together five Parisian galleries around a commun exhibition with the same theme, animals in art, from Antiquity to the present day. Free in the choice of the sculptures, the galleries will offer a selection of animal works, chosen with taste. The variety of specialties thus makes it possible to welcome a large public who will be able to make an itinerary in Saint-Germain-des-Près and discover the theme of the animal in all its forms under the eye of the talented Victor Cadene.
Press release available on request.