Seated goddess
Roman, 1st - 2nd century AD
Base, seat, feet, arms and neck restored in the 18th century
H.: 86 cm. - W.: 56.5 cm. - D.: 43 cm.
Formerly in the Italian collection of Chevalier Pietro Natali, Rome.
Acquired in 1766 by Giovanni L. Bianconi (1717-1781) on behalf of Frederick II, King of Prussia (1712-1786).
In Bartolomeo Cavaceppi’s workshop from 1766/1767 to 1768.
Then in the Grand Gallery of Charlottenburg Palace, Berlin, from 1770.
Transferred to the Royal Museum of Berlin, now known as the Altes Museum, from 1832 to 1922.
With Spink & Son, London, from 1925 to at least 1928.
In the collection of trader Kenneth John Hewett (1919-1994), London.
Then in an English private collection from 1994 until the present days.
- B. Cavaceppi, Raccolta d’antiche statue [...], G. Salomoni, Rome, 1768, vol. I, no. 46.
- M. Oesterreich, Description de tout l’intérieur des deux Palais de Sans-Souci, de ceux de Postdam, et de Charlottenbourg [...], Sommer, Postdam, 1773, p. 124.
- SPSG, Hist. Akten, Nr. 155, Bl. 21 verso, 1824.
- GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 89, Nr. 20451, Bl. 109v.
- E. Gerhard, Berlin’s Antike Bildwerke, G. Reimer, Berlin, 1836, p. 108, no. 206.
- M. de Clarac, Musée de sculpture antique et moderne [...], Imprimerie Nationale, Paris, 1850, p. 255, no. 1005.
- A. Conze, Beschreibung der antiken Skulpturen mit Ausschluss der pergamenischen Fundstücke, W. Spemann, Berlin, 1891, p. 234, no. 602.
- S. Reinach, Répertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine, Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1906, vol. I, p. 262 (ill. 12).
- Spink & Son London, The Antiquarian Quarterly, Number One, March 1925, pp. 5-6 (ill. 13).
- The Burlington Magazine, London, February 1928, pl. XLVIII.
- S. Reinach, Répertoire de la statuaire grecque et romaine, Ernest Leroux, Paris, 1930, vol. VI, p. 62.
- S. Hüneke, Antiken. I [...], Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 2009, p. 431, no. 284.
- A. Fendt, Archäologie und Restaurierung [...], De Gruyter, Berlin, 2012, vol. II, p. 188, no. 41.
- Arachne Online Database no. 1125060.